I have a secret place where I go, where enchantment lives, a spot in a field where the world wraps itself around me and takes my breath - winter, spring, summer or fall. I haven't been there for a while but clearly need to go and soon.
Enchantment is like synchronicity, the magic happens all around us all the time but in order to see it, feel it and know it we must keep our hearts and minds open. Look for it and it will be there.
It certainly will, Flora Dora - you just need to look :) I found it floating down towards the windscreen in the form of a beautiful bright green leaf yesterday whilst stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work. It was just floating idly down as if it had all the time in the world. Which, I guess, it did. And it made me slow down too. Much to the annoyance of drivers behind me no doubt once the lights had changed!! ;)
Hello Flora - have you visited your secret place yet? Not easy at this busy time of year I know, but there couldn't be a better moment with the crisp, cold days we've been having. Blue skies and crunchy leaves. You know it's calling you!!!
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