But that's only one kind of happiness. I believe there are as many kinds of happiness as there are people. Something my mum used to say ('he's only happy when he's miserable'!) illustrates the point. There's something about a sustained bout of misery that can also be deemed 'happiness' if that's what suits you at the time. Or the happiness gained from getting through another day without any particular mishap. Or finding that vacant parking space in a busy carpark. Or knowing that you are loved.
Yes, I'd say I was happy, even though I'm not entirely sure what I mean by that! But even in my most anxious moments, I'm still happy. I suppose it's because this is my life, and I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.
Oh, and one other thing... friends = happiness. So thankyou all!!!
1 comment:
Your words are poigniant and tender and wise beyond worlds, thank you my friend.
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