It's that time of year when most of us feel weighed down by winter. And although the brighter weather we've experienced recently helps, I still feel the need to vent onto those familiar pages once again. Just allowing myself to express freely and shed the burdens imposed by darker days will work wonders, I know. So will you join me, and venture out of your hibernation by emerging onto our original 'Artist's Way' path?
Unless of course, you have been virtuously keeping your morning pages all this time!!! Unlike me :))
How synchronous! (is that a word?). I was just thinking about this myself the other day, in fact I got as far as pulling a blank notebook down from the shelf and stroking the spine, and flicked through the empty pages.
So yes - I'm with you on this one Andy Pandy, and thank you for getting us on the path again. I must go and find that notebook...
I have another task planned which is also a real 'Artists Way' task. We'll need our magazines and glue sticks for this one. More anon...!
Synchronous - if it's not a word it should be. I found an old note book today, barely legible but delightfully stuffed, I didn't read it but it made me miss that free flow of words and feelings. So, a great idea Andy Pandy and I too will be joining you in the morning. Here's to still being on the Artist's Way.
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