List 100 things you love...
...in no particular order, but be specific, be free, be honest and be your beautiful selves.
I love clouds that look like things, small moments of magic lost in everyday, Amelie, sitting with friends and talking until 4am, bubbles in the bath, bubbles in the air, smooth stones, amethyst crystals caressed smooth, my babies, my mum, touching fingertips, sun dried tomatoes, melting milk chocolate, Greek Islands, warm summer breezes, mountain air, the sea, the poems of ee cummins (who'd have guessed?), skipping, my toes curling into softest sand, the secret spot in the field at Hordern Farm, the first fall of snow, the cell in the Savage tower, Freddie's brilliant brain, Eva's latest flower canvas, Sara B's fish in all mediums, dancing and dancing and dancing some more, writing, crisp new sheets on the bed, plain white paper, Pilot v5 pens, the smell of coffee, the memory of fairies at the bottom of Nanny Jackson's garden...
...and although I said 100 that's probably enough on the blog. I'll confine the rest to page, just for the fun of it and to give me a certain lift.